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Open Water Swimming

Swim with nature

Available on the beautiful lake at Beckenham Place Park, open water swimming is rapidly growing in popularity. 


Under the watchful eye of our fully trained life guards, you can feel safe while experiencing this most invigorating of activities, renowned for it benefits to health, fitness and mental well being.


In the warmer weather when the lake reaches temperatures of 20+ degrees, the lake is prone to duck mites. 


we have a survey we would be greatful if you could spend a minute to help us fill out.


What you need to know...

Session Details

Each session is 1 hour long.


During your hour you will be able to use the lake as much or as little as you feel comfortable with.


Throughout your session you will be kept safe by our fully trained lifeguards, meaning you can worry less about what might go wrong, and more about your stroke, your breathing and most importantly, those little ducks getting in your way.


The staff will clear the lake between sessions. 


In partnership with

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